Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i love to sing miley!

Soo, right now I am listening to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Miley Cyrus. I love her version. A lot. And today was kind of boring since I didn't have class or anything. I made a hamburger for lunch, woo. And I ate a carrot. But, um, they have "baby" carrots, but in reality they just look like midget carrots, not like baby carrots back home. It's weird. But yea, I am awesome. So then after lunch I went to the library because I don't have a book I need for a class and I had some reading to do. So I went to get it but it's only a 3 hour loan because it's a "reserve" book. So I sat there and read my chapter. But on the way to campus I walked with Hali because she had class at 2 and we were singing Miley Cyrus and it was epic. I was impressed with my knowledge, haha. I also sang some HSM, which was just as awesome. Then I came back and made some pasta for dinner. And I read some Harry Potter. Then I watched some House. Yay. I had already seen it but I always love House. AND I have someone to go with me to Melbourne so I am super excited! BUT - ZAC EFRON is going to be in Melbourne and Sydney next week and I REALLY want to go but it's really short notice. But when I heard that he was coming I had a little teenie attack, lol. I mean, I am meeting Kellan soon but ZAC EFRON!! He is awesome. So tomorrow I have two 3 hour classes. Awesome.

Oh, and last night I watched Ned Kelly with Heath Ledger (RIP) and Orlando Bloom. It was SO SAD. I am not going to lie - I cried at the end. The end was too sad. Especially since it was HEATH. Who is dead. BUT on Saturday Hali and I are going to see his ashes. woot. And probably go to Fremantle since the cemetery is close to there. And it's not like we are going to spend hours at some one's grave.


Anonymous said...

I somehow cannot you see singing while walking on campus. And it's good you are spending hours at a grave.

Anonymous said...

I meant good you are NOT spending hours

Sam said...

okay your mom's comment is really funny! Hey Elisa's mom! just saying you seem cool!

anywayssssss lol that would be pretty epic to meet Zac but boo him for the short notice! have fun visiting Heath's ashes. that's going to be sad. YAY for meeting Kellan AHHHHHHH i can't wait i AM SOO EXCITED FOR YOU IT'S UNREAL! lol. also way to sing Miley on campus! lol i sing jonas but to myself and like under my breath lol

Shannon said...