So I am finally writing another blog about Singapore, even though I should be doing homework, since I'm going to MELBOURNE tomorrow. Woot.
Anyways, it's on to Wednesday. So we wake up and shower and stuff and then Hali comes and gets us. We go to this mall thing to eat some breakfast and we have Kaya toast. So, on this trip I tried A LOT of new food. I know when I go back home I won't want to but just so everyone is clear on how much new food I tired because I am so proud of myself! Anyways, Kaya toast is two pieces of toasted bread with butter and this sweet jam inside. It comes with two half-boiled eggs that you mix up with pepper and soy sauce. So first, I put way too much soy sauce in my eggs. And I ate the first piece of toast and it was super sweet. Then I just ate half of another one because it made my stomach hurt.
After we ate we went to Little India, I think? Well, we went somewhere in Singapore. And the first thing we did was go into an Indian temple which was pretty cool. We had to take off our shoes and I was wearing my converse and it was wet because it had been raining earlier so that wasn't fun. Then there were these street shop like things and we shopped. I got two pairs of earrings, two bracelets, and a shot glass (LOL). Then we visited a Buddhist temple and another Hindu temple, I think. And then we went to Arab Street and shopped more. I got another earring for my rook and I'm super excited! It's blue and swirly, basically everything I wanted. So then Hali's daddy was in the hospital because he was having surgery so Melissa, Paola, and Staci went to this mall (I guess?) and I went with Hali to the hospital.
Then we left there with Hali's mom and we went to a mosque! It was super cool. After we did that we went back to the hospital to eat. I had fried rice, again. It was really good though! So then Hali ditched us, again. Fiz and his friend took us to Little India and I took a million pictures. Ok, maybe not a million BUT at least 100! That's how cool I am. Fo shiz! Anyways....after we were there for a bit we went on the Singapore Flyer, which is the biggest ferris wheel in the world. So that was cool, NOT. I'm scared of heights and was freaking out. It wasn't too bad though, I just sat there and tired not to move.
We went back to the hostel after that to change for the night. We went on a night safari which was hella awesome. I saw a tiger! It was so cute. And then I had ice cream, which was delicious. Except that I got a cone and it kept melting all over my hand so that wasn't cool. Oh, maybe I should let you know that Singapore weather is just like Florida. It's humid ALL THE TIME. ew.
After the night safari we went back to Little India to eat. I had chicken prata which is really good. And then Hali came back to us. Yay! So then we went to a club and I had some shoots (woooo) and a beer, LOL. It was kind of lame though. But we got in for free so it was allll good. No one could really dance, but neither can I so it was cool. But the music was super lame.
And that is all we did Wednesday. I really should do some homework now so more to come later. Peace.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
part dos : )
Posted by Elisa at 10:04 AM 3 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
part UNO?
So here I am, finally writing a blog. Wooo go me. Seriously, the laziness of the Aussie culture has rubbed off on me big time. Ok, so. I think I am going to write a two part blog (or maybe three?) since if I write about my week it will be epicly long and no one will read it. I shall start with Tuesday, since I already wrote one about Monday, right?
TUESDAY I woke up and wrote a blog, haha. I went to Hali's house around 2:30ish. Oh and the cab driver I had was super weird. I told him I was going to a friend's house and he kept asking me if she was Malaysian or Chinese and I kept telling him that she was Singaporean but he simply would not accept my answer. Her house is super cute and I took pictures of it because I am cool like that. I told her that room is bigger then mine back home and she didn't believe me. So then we (me, Hali, and Fiz - her brother) played guitar hero and it was fun. Fiz made me play on medium or hard (I can't remember) but all I know is that it was super hard and I failed. So then I was hungry and wanted to eat. DID YOU KNOW THAT IN SINGAPORE YOU CAN CALL FAST FOOD PLACES AND THEY DELIVER? Yea, I did not know that and apparently you CAN. Weird, huh? We were going to call McDonald's but then we called KFC instead and I ate some chicken. Then...we went to the airport to get Staci, Melissa, and Paola. After we picked them up we went to the hostel.
After we checked in and everything, we went to eat. (I think? I'm drawing a blank. All the days are meshing in my head. But I guess eating makes sense, since they got in around 6 and by the time we left to go out it was 7?) So we go to this hotel which was very posh, as Melissa would say. There was this huge buffet with Indian, Malaysian, Chinese, and other kinds of food. Basically, it was Asian food, right? So Hali takes us around and tells us what's good and stuff and then she ditches us, again. She ditched us a lot last week! (Kidding Hali, I love you.)
So she tell us that Fiz is coming to eat there too and he is there with some of his friends. After we are done we all (meaning us and Fiz and his friends) leave and go to Clarke Quay. I can pronounce that but Staci can't, haha. Anyways, Hali met us there and we went on a river taxi. It was really cool. All the buildings were pretty and lit up with lights. I took some nice pictures which you can see on my FB. After that...we, um. Went back to hostel? According to my pictures that is what happened, since the pictures after the river taxi are of the next day.
So this blog wasn't too long but I don't feel like writing more so be patient.
Posted by Elisa at 10:53 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Um, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is on TV right now and it's amazing.
Anyway, I got to Singapore yesterday, but first let me tell you about Easter, even thought it was kind of boring. So Sunday i went to Mass with Cynthia and then we went to Nando's to eat. They have delicious chips there. So, I totally forgot my wallet and I was embarrassed and Cynthia paid for me. I also did laundry so I would have clothes to bring with me on my trip! haha. So I needed money for my trip so I had to walk back to my flat and get m wallet and go back out. It was really hot that day so it was crappy.
So then Monday, my flight to Singapore was at 11.55, right? So I go the front office on Saturday so I can call the cab company, since I don't have a phone. So i tell them what time my flight is and everything and i had planned on leaving maybe around 9. They tell me I should leave at 8 so I just believed them. Mistake.
I thought I set my alarm for 6 so I could finish packing and get ready to go and stuff. Well, no. I didn't set my alarm and I wake up around 7.40. So cool, right? Yea, no. I start to freak out and just throw on my clothes; I didn't have time to do anything. I throw the rest of my stuff in my bag and leave. Apparently the cab had been there for five minutes. Good thing he didn't leave or I would've been screwed. So I get to the airport at maybe...8.20? Super early. The roads were empty because apparently Easter Monday is a public holiday. I wasn't even allowed to check in yet because check-in starts three hours before the flight. So I sat down and listened to my iPod.
When it was time, I went to check in. So I was kind of hungry and there was a Red Rooster there so obviously I had to eat some. Plus I had plenty of time. After I ate I went through security and everything I went to sit down by the gate. And I still had about two hours to wait. I knew I shouldn't have listened to those stupid girls! I was so bored. I listened to my iPod some more and this dude came to sit on my left. So, since I just got my ear pierced, I don't wear my ear phone in my right ear, just the left. So keep in mind that this dude was sitting on my left. He starts to talk to me, asking me all these questions about why I was going to Singapore and what I was doing in Australia and stuff. I was being nice and I answered them, even though I didn't want to. But, I didn't ask questions which usually turns the other person off, but NOT HIM. I was like leave me alone! He finally did and then I played my DS, haha.
The flight really wasn't bad, it was only about 5 hours. I drank a beer on the plane (tehehe). I only had to pee once which I thought was a great improvement, lol. So then I landed and you know how you have to fill out those paper things, with like your name and passport number and stuff? So I didn't have an address for where I am staying and I was afraid that I would be denied, haha. But I wasn't, the chick just told me to get an address next time. Hali was there with her friend to pick me up.
So we went around at Starbucks, haha. There are Starbucks' in Singapore. Then her brother and his friend came because Hali wanted to ditch me : ( I went around with them and we went to some places and stuff, haha. I ate some fried rice and it was good. I took some cool pictures which I already put on my Facebook, haha. But I did have fun with them, even though they thought they were boring : ) They were cute.
And that's all! Now I'm waiting to go out with Hali. And Melissa, Paola, and Staci are coming today.
Posted by Elisa at 9:37 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I haven't written a blog in a week so I decided to write one. Basically, nothing exciting happened this week, until today, that is. I have literally sat in my room and read and played my DS and tried to do homework. Thursday i went to the library to print out my flight information for my flight on Monday but that was it. I also did some laundry on Monday, I think. Exciting stuff, right? I also might have gone to Cole's for some food, haha.
So today Cynthia and I went to see 17 Again which was absolutely fantastic. I laughed at some parts when no one else did. I am pretty sure it is because I am American and they just didn't get all the references. But it was still cool. Except that the people next to me were idiots and I wanted to get away from them. There were pissed at the people in front of them because they were kind of tall so they threw popcorn at them and were cursing at them. Awesome. I am trying to watch this movie, too, JERKS! Then the dude was eating his popcorn like a cow and I wanted to smack him in the face. But I was scared of him. No lie. He was creepy. Then he burped a couple of times and was "whispering" but not really and it was hella annoying.
But the movie was really good and it was so funny! Zac Efron gave a nice little speech on abstinence which was awesome, haha. I kind of called the ending and I am sure everyone who sees it will be able to. I also think the beginning was a little unrealistic, but we can talk about it after everyone sees it. However, it opens with a shirtless Zac and I am never opposed to seeing that.
Peace out. Tomorrow is Easter. haha.
Oh, more pictures for my parents to see.
Posted by Elisa at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
today was the most awesome day. ever.
As you probably guess by the title, today was AWESOME. But, let me talk about my other days before I get to today. And I'm listening to "Good and Broken" by Miley Cyrus. woot.
So, Friday, I had class. Nothing special. My tute was really funny though. We were in groups and the some how we started talking about America, because another girl in the group was from there, too, and we were saying how Aussie's talk REALLY fast and use weird words. I mean, c'mon, they are too lazy to even say complete words. They shorten everything! It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. But, it was fun making fun of them and then having them make fun of us. That was a great sentence, wasn't it? Also, Melissa and Hali left Friday. Which was sad.
Saturday, Paola left in the morning and Stephanie left at night. So I slept alone. And I will be for the week and I'm scared. Anyways, so then Saturday I went to the library to get some books for my history paper. And I had to return a different book, because I forgot to do it Friday. But I guess it was good because it forced me to go. And now I have books for my paper. whooo. Then I went to Cole's to get a little food to last me for the week. I wanted to do laundry, but you have to have $2 or two $1 coins and I didn't. It's really frustrating! At UF, I put money on my ID and use that! That way I don't have to have quarters....Anyways, that was problem. But today I got some so it's good. And I rented Drillbit Taylor which was not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually laughed out loud at some parts.
Soooo TODAY was awesome. I went to church and got some palms. Did you know that in Malaysia they bring their own palms? Yup. See, I really AM learning about other cultures. Who knew that when I wrote that in my essay to come here that it would actually happen? haha. Anyways, it was cool. But the gospel wasn't w three person reading, like home. It wasn't dialouge...just the stuff from the Bible, lol. Afterwards, Cynthia and I went into the CITYYY. So it was tons of fun. We ate at Red Rooster, which I am in love with. We walked around a lot, and I got two gifts for two people, lol. Not telling who! Everyone will get something eventually, I just haven't found anything good yet. And I got more postcards for some people that I haven't sent any to yet. We took tons of pictures and it was fun. We went to the Pharmacy and picked out the most ridiculous sunnies and put them on and took pictures. It was fun. And I got two books which I am uber excited about.
So when we were done we went to the PUB. Oh yea, I legally drank a beer today, HAHA. We took a million pictures while we were there too. It was just really exciting, I can't lie. I drank some Australian beer, something something. The name will come to be eventually, I hope. So it basically took me an hour to finish one pint, lol. While we were there, some like old-ish came up to us and started talking to us and it was kinda weird. Then he offered to buy us a drink we were like, umm we have to go catch the bus. Which was true. So we went to the bus stop and I was singing the Jonas Brothers and Cynthia was videoing me. It was hilarious. Oh and when we were in the pub, Cynthia kept BURPING then asking me if she was drunk. I told her she was, even though was had only drunk like, a inch of the beer. HAHA.
And I found out some interesting things about Cynthia today...such as, she doesn't like Miley but she LOVES my blog song, which just happens to be MILEY CYRUS, lol. And she likes the Jonas Brothers and is jealous that I am getting to see them : ). I told her they were coming to Australia eventually and then she was happy.
I also have other happy news, but I can't say it here!! hehehehe.
Posted by Elisa at 10:46 AM 5 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Lalala. I am listening to Hannah Montana. : ) Yay. Anyways, I am so cool that I actually made a list of stuff to talk about in this blog. Oh yea. Such a cool person.
First off, I am writing this because my mommy told me to. She said that my nonna would think it was funny or something. So I was talking to my mom the other day and I told her I needed to do laundry but I didn't want to because it wasn't sunny out. She asked me what that had to do with anything and I told her that I hang my clothes up on a clothes line. That's my story.
ANNNND. I would like to say that KATHLEEN AND I ARE GOING TO SEE THE JONAS BROTHERS IN FORT LAUDERDALE IN AUGUST. Wow. Glad I got that off my chest. I am so excited. So excited. Woot.
So yesterday in my Australian Studies class, we all had to sign a paper as attendance. So I sign it and give it to Staci, who is sitting next to me. All of a sudden she starts laughing and I look at her and I'm like, "Did you spell your name wrong?" She nods her head and I start cracking up. It was awesome.
I already told my mom about what happens if we don't pass the flat inspection, but in case anyone else wants to know I will tell you. If you don't pass Monday morning, you have to clean what you didn't do properly the first time. Then Tuesday the girl comes back and if it's not clean you have to $44. I think that's a random number but that's what happens.
Tuesday I registered for classed. I signed up for Developmental Psych (which is online, woot), Portuguese, a film analysis class, and some lit class. Yup. I am going to keep checking for openings in Italian though. I don't have much hope but I can always try, right? And maybe for a different English class. Not sure yet.
I GOT MY PLANE TICKET FOR SINGAPORE. And I am really excited. Like, REALLY excited. I want some Ray-Bans! lol. No, but I really am. It's cool to see how different cultures work and stuff. AND they eat grape jam there so I am totally sending myself some : ) And, I'm going April 13-17! yay.
And, here are links to my photo albums on Facebook, for those who don't have one. I have three full ones already and a fourth one with only 7 pictures so far. And I will post the one with my flat in it. It has pictures of my dorm back home too, just ignore them! lol
The last link is my flat, they are at the end of the album.
I think is all...
Oh, I want to apologize for not writing people back on Facebook : ( I love you all, I have just been really busy this week. But now I have break!!
Posted by Elisa at 4:10 AM 2 comments