It's time to remember my wonderful Thursday night. When the Gators became national champions. Again. This is going to be epicly long. Sorry.
So, on Thursday i drove to Gainesville around 12:10. And I got there around 3:25? Maybe. I made good time. Considering I stopped once to get gas. Then I stopped at the Publix right off the highway in Gainesville because I has to pee so badly. As I was driving some lady in a BMW was being a jerk. Straight up JERK. She was in the fast lane but I was going faster then her. So I went to pass her and then she speeds up. Fine. Whatever. Later I run into her again. And she's being a jerk again. Another car was trying to get away from her. So she finally moves over into the right lane and very nicely flicks me off as I drive by. So mature. And classy.
I got to Gainesville and then went to Panera with Mirna, Malia, and Shakila. It was fun. Except Mirna picked the worst table. The sun was right in my eyes. And I keep moving to get away from it. Then we went to Mrina's so I could charge my phone. Then it was time to go to the ODome to watch the game.
We were all very excited to watch the game. I mean, who wouldn't be? I was wearing my shirt I made that says "Tim Tebow is my Hero." Yup. I am that cool. And I was wearing orange and blue earrings. I love being spirited : ) Before the game, there was a little pre-game show. Duh. So we watched that. And they showed the adorable montage (I use that word for a lack of a better one) or Tim that they used for the Heisman. It is basically the cutest thing ever. Makes me love him even more. I can't seem to find a video of it anywhere. Which depresses me. Before the game starts, they also show some of the Gators saying stuff to us. The basically all ended by saying, "Be safe. Go Gators." Mirna and I have decided that we are going to say that to everyone from now on. So the game starts. The first half was a bit boring. We scored first. Then the Sooners scored like a minute later. So half time comes with the score 7-7. We basically didn't play well at all. In my opinion. Tim had 2 interceptions. He only had two interceptions ALL SEASON LONG. Then he two in the first half. Sad. I have to give it up to our defense though. We stopped the Sooners from scoring TWICE when they should've scored. We got an interception that was crazy. The ball was like bobbled a could times in the air before we caught it.
The second half starts. We are a little better. It seems as though Tim is back. In the third quarter we score. 14-7. Nothing else happens in the third quarter. The fourth quarter was basically the best part of the game. The Sooners score, 14-14. Then we get a field goal. This play was ridiculous. It was third down. And we had a few yards to go. The play begins, but then Tim just stops because he hears whistles. I guess they were not official whistles so the Sooners keep running at him and he doesn't know what to do so he throws it away. Then we kick the field goal. 17-14.

Other things I have to say about the game. Oklahoma says they will score 60 points in this game. Dream on. What a major fail. Also, the announcers are such failures. They say the STUPIDEST THINGS EVER. I loved it when they said that spending 5 to 20 minutes in Tim Tewbo's presence makes your life better. I laughed. Then, I loved it when Percy slaps Urban Meyer's butt. Seriously, it made my life. His reaction was too funny. I have a video of it too. But, honestly, the thing that REALLY made me life was when Tim got called for unsportsmanlike conduct. Really. Really?? This is what happened. I guess some player on Oklahoma, Harris (I think) said that Tebow would only be the 4th best quarterback if he were in the Big 10. So, near the end of the game, when it was obvious we won, Tim chomps in his face three times. It was amazingly awesome. I wish I had a video. So the announcers say that is probably the worst thing he has ever done in his life. Ha.
After the game, we all storm University Avenue, as is tradition when we win national championships. Some guy climbed up a pole and was standing on the things that tell you when to cross the street. He was pole dancing. Then he jumped down. What an idiot. Some people set off fireworks and stuff. It was a ton of fun. We decided that we were hungry so we all go to Stake and Shake. Which was awesome. As we were walking to the car people were driving by and honking and yelling "GO GATORS!" so of course we yelled back at them which was fun. And as we drove to Stake and Shake we did the same thing. A lot of people were lame and didn't yell back. But most did so that was fun. We were all so tired and cold and laughing at everything. Which is what happens when you get tired.

this is Percy slapping Urban's butt
psht nothing wrong with Country music! lol but i'm glad you had a good time :) and i would totally talk back to the tv too lol
PS. the word verification is
derake and i was like DRAKE COOL! lol but it wasn't , but it's still cool derake lol
hahahaha that was hilarious, talking back to the TV. but the game sounded so fun!!! i wished we had a football team but we don't. we have a band, cheerleaders, a dance team, a nice football football team. how lame is that. HAHA.
anyways, i liked reading your point of the view of the game. whenever i see tim on tv, i always think of you LOL and i'm like elisa loves him!!
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