Ok. TODAY I GOT AUSTRALIAN MONEY! It's very colorful. And feels weird. I wonder what it's made of. Anyways, I got 250 dollars. Which is sweet. See? I think the ones on the bottom are the front and the ones on top are the back. I guess it doesn't really matter? Whatever!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
money. money. money.
Posted by Elisa at 7:44 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
babysitting. again.
So last night I was babysitting again. And I will be for the next two Saturday's. Anyways, I get there and we watch some TV (iCarly) while the girl watches youtube videos. Ok, she loves that video of Demi Lovato falling for some reason. She liked to watch it and laugh. I think she is crazy. So then I ask her if she like Demi or Miley better and she says Demi. So I ask her brother who he likes better and he wants me to answer first (probably because he wants to agree with what I say) but I tell him I won't. He guesses that I like Miley better and hey, he is right. That kid is psychic no lies.
Then we play Guess Who because we ALWAYS play Guess Who. It's basically out thing. And me and Matthew usually always win. But Samantha won two games I think. But Matthew always seems to guess correctly whenever we have three people to choose from. That is why he is psychic. It's scary how often he correct. Then we watched more iCarly and Samantha says that she likes Sam and I said that is was just because of her name but she said it was because she is funny and likes food.
This is the video of Demi falling that she loves so much.
Posted by Elisa at 11:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: babysitting, demi lovato, iCarly, miley cyrus
Thursday, January 22, 2009
web cam. dentist.
So today I got my web cam! I am so excited. And I got skype. So yea. And I got to talk to Sarah who is in the Netherlands. So that was cool too. But my web cam wasn't working and she couldn't see me but I fixed it now. At least I think I did. But anyways, I am happy that now I can talk to people for free! Which is awesome. Cause who wants to pay? Psht.
And I went to the dentist today. It wasn't so bad. The hygienist didn't poke me like they usually do so that was a plus. Then I got my eyebrows down which I needed badly. And then I went to the library and got some books! And movies. Which will keep me occupied since I do nothing. Ha.
Posted by Elisa at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
criminal minds. miley cyrus. cold.
Tonight there was a new episode of Criminal Minds and my parents and I watched it. It was about this family that abducted little girls for their son and then killed the parents of the girl. So I told my mom that maybe we should take up a new family hobby. Ha.
And Miley Cyrus is so cute. Seriously. I love her rap. Even though it makes no sense. I liked her little "Wear a helmet!" PSA. lol. And, hey! She is friends with the Jonas Brothers and Demi. And she is going to eat meatloaf with Demi. Yay. haha.
Also, it is so cold here! Last night my nose was freezing! And I basically wore a sweater all day. And I think the heat is on in the house now!
Posted by Elisa at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: cold, criminal minds, demi lovato, jonas brothers, miley cyrus
So yesterday I actually did some stuff! I went to the gym, library, and Wal-Mart. Oh, and the bank to deposit my babysitting money. I dropped off my books at the library and got my tax form. Ugh. Taxes are dumb and I hate them! At Wal-Mart I wanted adapters, a web cam, and an iPod cord because my brother stole mine. Nice. And all I got was adapters. But that is good. Because I need some, duh. Then I ordered a web cam online and I am really excited. When I get it I can finally talk to Sarah! Who is in the Netherlands. She says it's cold and rainy there. Which sucks. But she knew that it would be like that.
I am totally dreading packing for my trip. But I am excited for my new dresses and other clothes that I will be getting. I am just worried that I want to bring too much and I have so much to do before I leave.
But I have a dentist appointment tomorrow which is awesome.
And right now I am watching CSI: NY which I really don't ever watch BUT Kellan is in this episode so obviously I wanted to watch it. He is too good looking. I can't even handle it. Ha.
Posted by Elisa at 3:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: dentist, kellan lutz, wal-mart
Monday, January 19, 2009
HEY! So I have been so busy this weekend! I babysat on Saturday. Which was fun. I love those kids! So we watched some youtube videos. We usually watch Jonas Brothers videos when I am with them. So I told them that there was a new video so we watched it. Their favorite part was Kevin's. lol. Then the boy told me that he was afraid of clowns because his sister told him a scary story. Obviously I wanted to hear it so I ask her to tell me. So we are in her room and she turns off all lights and puts on some like jewelery box music. She starts this story and finishes EXACTLY when the music stops. Which was SO CREEPY. Then we screamed and ran down the stairs. She wanted to watch more youtube videos to calm herself down so we watched Miley Cyrus sing some Christmas song. And she was making fun of her and it was so funny! She is like, "She can't even sing! Do you hear her? She's like GAHHHHH!" It was so funny. Then we watched Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers sing "This is Me" at the DC Games. So she made fun of that too. She was like, "Nick ruined this song by trying to sing harmony. And did you hear Demi sing that high note??" It was funny. Then we played Guess Who because that is what we always do. And then we watched iCarly.
Then on Sunday I babysat from 8-4 which was rough. They were a new family and I had to wake up at 7. Ugh. They have 4 kids and only 2 of them were supposed to be there but the boy said he didn't feel good so he stayed too. I think he was lying. ha. So the boy is 8 maybe. Or 9. Or I could be way off. The one girl is 3 and the other is a baby. Well, 15 months. So she was still sleeping when I got there but she woke up (duh) and I was worried she would cry since she she didn't know me. But she didn't which was good. But I had to change her diaper. Which wasn't too fun. Ha. But then I wasn't sure if she could walk so I stood her up and didn't want to let go because I was afraid she would fall. But she can walk so it was all good.
So we watched some TV and played outside for a bit. And those kids eat a lot. Like a lot. I made the 3 year old french toast for breakfast. Then she wanted yogurt. And later she ate tuna with crackers. All before lunch. Yea. And the baby ate a lot too. I made oatmeal for her then later she also had yogurt. Then she had cheerios and goldfish. All before lunch. So then I fed them lunch and then the baby took her nap. Which was nice. Because then I got to eat lunch.
So I have learned the babies have a lot of snot. Seriously, I had to get rid of her snot like 3 times an hour. Who knew that babies had so much snot? Jeez. Also, changing diapers is not really fun. At all. And that is what happened. I guess.
After I was done I went to Kathleen's and we had ribs and s'mores. Which was awesome.
Posted by Elisa at 11:49 PM 3 comments
Labels: clowns, demi lovato, jonas brothers, miley cyrus
Saturday, January 17, 2009
channing tatum
Channing Tatum is going to be in a new movie. I saw a preview for it when I saw The Unborn and I pretty much freaked out and started hitting Kelsey. It comes out April 24th. I won't be here but it still looks like a good movie. And I always love me some Channing. Oh, it's called Fighting.
Posted by Elisa at 1:36 AM 1 comments
Labels: channing tatum, fighting
Friday, January 16, 2009
fried snickers.
So today I went to the fair with Sarah! It was actually a lot of fun. There was this cool orange and blue ride with Gator flags on it but it wasn't working so we couldn't ride it which was sad.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
finally. some fun.
So today I actually did stuff! whoo. Be proud. LOL. So my mom and I went to the library to drop off some books. Except I didn't know we were going or else I would have brought my books. it's whatever I guess. Then we got the car washed. But my mom was disappointed with it. But it was free because we had a gift card. So whatever. Then we went to Target because they have these awesome chips that are organic corn chips. I think. But they are seriously the best chips ever and I love them.
After we did this we went to see my Nonna and Nonno and my Uncle Raymond and Aunt Betty. They are really my mom's aunt and uncle but whatever. They are staying in my dead Nonna's house. So then my Nonna tells me that she doesn't like my hair. Which I figured she would say that. Because it is all in my eyes. And I agree it needs to be a bit shorter. I swear that my bangs got longer after my haircut. To make them shorter. Go figure.
Anyways, so my mom, Aunt Betty, Nonna, and I go to Jo-Ann Fabrics to get some fabric to make me dresses. My mom and I found another cute dress pattern and it was on sale for 99cents so that was cool. So my mom is going to make me a halter dress from this pretty blue fabric and a spaghetti strap dress from red fabric. But the red dress has contrast fabric on the bottom and around the top and around the waist so we got some cute black fabric for that. I am pretty excited. Oh and they were selling Christmas ornaments for cheap and my nonna got two for my little cousins. And who was on them but Zac Efron. So I was like I WANT ONE! But all they had left was Corbin so I got one with Hannah Montana on it. LOL.
Then tonight I saw The Unborn with Kealsy. It was...odd. Kind of boring-ish. But definitely jumpy. Like, it made me jump a few times. So, Sam, I would not recommend you go see it. haha. It kind of reminded me of The Grudge. But seriously, Cam is gorgeous. So gorgeous. I wish he were in the movie more. And he actually didn't play a bad guy this time which was odd. Ha.
So after Kelsey and I hung out in the parking garage for a bit to talk. We were standing in front of cars that were not ours and then the people who owned one of them came and we were like, uh, I think we should move. Then we finally went by Kealsy's car. So it wouldn't be awkward. So we were taking pictures because I need some for Australia. And then this car drives by with three people in it. And the girl waves to me (I don't know her) but I try to wave back but I had my camera in my hand so it was kinda awkward. Then the driver yells out of the car but I couldn't understand what he said so I say, "Happy Birthday!" because that is what it sounded like. Then this other car came and parked and Kealsy thought that she knew him but she didn't so I asked her if I should say happy birthday to him. It was funny.
Posted by Elisa at 11:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: target
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My life here is pretty boring. I have like 3 friends here (because they are in high school) and obviously they go to school during the day so I can't hang out with them. Ugh. I wish I could go somewhere! Visit people. But everyone else has school too!
I have basically done nothing since I got back from Gainesville. I have been watching TV and reading. I finished 13 Little Blue Envelopes! Which was good. And I got more books from the library today. And I go to the gym. That is basically all I do. Sometimes I play my DS, too.
Tomorrow I am going out to Jo-Ann's with my mom to get fabric for dresses. I think. And we are going to see my Nonna and Nonno. Who are here from NY. For almost three months I think. I told them they were snowbirds now and no one will like them. Oh. But they brought us stuff back from Italy! We got some Nutella. Which I don't even like. Ha. I am a bad Italian.
So last night I watched the Hannah Montana 3-D concert. But I had no 3-D glasses so a lot of it looked weird. Kind of blurry but not. But it was cute I and liked it. I loved seeing Nick and Miley interact becase it was funny. And tonight I want to watch Thirteen. I have seen it before but I don't really remember much of it.
Posted by Elisa at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: bored, hannah montana, thirteen, tv
Monday, January 12, 2009
national champians.
It's time to remember my wonderful Thursday night. When the Gators became national champions. Again. This is going to be epicly long. Sorry.
So, on Thursday i drove to Gainesville around 12:10. And I got there around 3:25? Maybe. I made good time. Considering I stopped once to get gas. Then I stopped at the Publix right off the highway in Gainesville because I has to pee so badly. As I was driving some lady in a BMW was being a jerk. Straight up JERK. She was in the fast lane but I was going faster then her. So I went to pass her and then she speeds up. Fine. Whatever. Later I run into her again. And she's being a jerk again. Another car was trying to get away from her. So she finally moves over into the right lane and very nicely flicks me off as I drive by. So mature. And classy.
I got to Gainesville and then went to Panera with Mirna, Malia, and Shakila. It was fun. Except Mirna picked the worst table. The sun was right in my eyes. And I keep moving to get away from it. Then we went to Mrina's so I could charge my phone. Then it was time to go to the ODome to watch the game.
We were all very excited to watch the game. I mean, who wouldn't be? I was wearing my shirt I made that says "Tim Tebow is my Hero." Yup. I am that cool. And I was wearing orange and blue earrings. I love being spirited : ) Before the game, there was a little pre-game show. Duh. So we watched that. And they showed the adorable montage (I use that word for a lack of a better one) or Tim that they used for the Heisman. It is basically the cutest thing ever. Makes me love him even more. I can't seem to find a video of it anywhere. Which depresses me. Before the game starts, they also show some of the Gators saying stuff to us. The basically all ended by saying, "Be safe. Go Gators." Mirna and I have decided that we are going to say that to everyone from now on. So the game starts. The first half was a bit boring. We scored first. Then the Sooners scored like a minute later. So half time comes with the score 7-7. We basically didn't play well at all. In my opinion. Tim had 2 interceptions. He only had two interceptions ALL SEASON LONG. Then he two in the first half. Sad. I have to give it up to our defense though. We stopped the Sooners from scoring TWICE when they should've scored. We got an interception that was crazy. The ball was like bobbled a could times in the air before we caught it.
The second half starts. We are a little better. It seems as though Tim is back. In the third quarter we score. 14-7. Nothing else happens in the third quarter. The fourth quarter was basically the best part of the game. The Sooners score, 14-14. Then we get a field goal. This play was ridiculous. It was third down. And we had a few yards to go. The play begins, but then Tim just stops because he hears whistles. I guess they were not official whistles so the Sooners keep running at him and he doesn't know what to do so he throws it away. Then we kick the field goal. 17-14.

Other things I have to say about the game. Oklahoma says they will score 60 points in this game. Dream on. What a major fail. Also, the announcers are such failures. They say the STUPIDEST THINGS EVER. I loved it when they said that spending 5 to 20 minutes in Tim Tewbo's presence makes your life better. I laughed. Then, I loved it when Percy slaps Urban Meyer's butt. Seriously, it made my life. His reaction was too funny. I have a video of it too. But, honestly, the thing that REALLY made me life was when Tim got called for unsportsmanlike conduct. Really. Really?? This is what happened. I guess some player on Oklahoma, Harris (I think) said that Tebow would only be the 4th best quarterback if he were in the Big 10. So, near the end of the game, when it was obvious we won, Tim chomps in his face three times. It was amazingly awesome. I wish I had a video. So the announcers say that is probably the worst thing he has ever done in his life. Ha.
After the game, we all storm University Avenue, as is tradition when we win national championships. Some guy climbed up a pole and was standing on the things that tell you when to cross the street. He was pole dancing. Then he jumped down. What an idiot. Some people set off fireworks and stuff. It was a ton of fun. We decided that we were hungry so we all go to Stake and Shake. Which was awesome. As we were walking to the car people were driving by and honking and yelling "GO GATORS!" so of course we yelled back at them which was fun. And as we drove to Stake and Shake we did the same thing. A lot of people were lame and didn't yell back. But most did so that was fun. We were all so tired and cold and laughing at everything. Which is what happens when you get tired.

this is Percy slapping Urban's butt
Posted by Elisa at 8:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: bcs championship, ganiesville, gators, sooners, tim tebow
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Basically, my almost three days in Gainesville were AMAZING. I love my friends and I am going to miss them all so much. So, on Thursday when I got there, Mirna, Malia, Shakila, and I went to Panera. Mirna had never been there so I was introducing her to something new! And she liked it, Duh. Panera is amazingly awesome. After we ate we went back to Mirna's dorm because my phone was dying and I needed to charge it. So we hung there for a bit then we went to the O'Connell Center to watch the BCS game! Which we won, duh. That story is getting its own blog though : )
So that night I slept at Lynette's dorm. We couldn't get the futon open because I guess Lynette has never opened it before. So I just slept in it like a couch. But it was comfortable. And I didn't even wake up when Lynette's alarm went off. Which is surprising because I am such a light sleeper. Then we had lunch at her dorm and someone on her floor had an alarm and it kept going off and obviously no one was in the dorm or else they would've turned it off. So anyway, we could hear it which was awful so I wrote on their whiteboard to not set their alarm when they weren't home. Haha. Then I ran some errands by myself because almost everyone was still in class and Lynette had to go do interviews for her class. So I went to Body Tech to get some H2Ocean for my rook. Because it is pretty gross. Then I went to Wal-Mart and got the Twilight Life Story magazine and I impulsively got Pineapple Express. But it's a funny movie so whatever. Then I hung out with Hillary for a little bit then Lynette and I went to Kinkos because she needed to ship her computer. But the label didn't have a bar code on it so she had to call Apple and there was basically no service in the plaza so it sucked. But, in Kinkos there was this cut out of Tim Tebow and I wanted it. Badly. So then we went to Gator Fever to get national championship shirts. There weren't very many cute ones but we found one and we both got the same shirt.
After we did all that we went to Lynette's dorm and wanted to nap but then didn't have time. So we went to the gymnastics meet with Mirna, Hillary, and Lindsey. Which was fun. I liked it. We played Oklahoma. Which was funny : ) I am pretty sure we won. So we then went to get food at Bento, which is a Japanese place. I don't like Japanese food they have rice bowls and noodle bowls which are delicious. I got a chicken teriyaki rice bowl. It was awesome. Then we went to see Bride Wars! Which was super cute! Go see it!! So that night I stayed with Hillary. I slept on the couch for a bit then I was uncomfortable so I went on the floor.
So then today, I woke up and Hillary and I watched Pineapple Express. She said it was better then she expected. I think that movie is hilarious. I love it. And you should see it too! Then I went and had lunch at Satchel's with Kendall and Katie. Satchel's is the most amazing pizza place ever. Seriously, go to Gainesville to eat here. It is only in Gainesville, too. So I has a calzone which was delicious. And we got to sit in the van! Those that haven't been there don't understand that but those who have understand. So it was cool. Then we went to d'lites because Katie had a gift card. So she bought us ice cream! The sprinkles there are so amazing. They are crunchy and hard and actually taste like something. Katie and I got orange and blue ones and Kendall got rainbow because she is gay. Then I drove home. Which was tiring. But now I am home!
I am going to miss all my friends so much. I love them all!! And basically everyone wants me to bring them home a boy. LOL.
Posted by Elisa at 7:31 PM 3 comments
Labels: bcs championship, food, ganiesville
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
yesterday. today. hair.
So. Yesterday was a lot of fun. Not so much in the morning/afternoon, but at night it was great! I hung out with my friend Sarah. She lives like 25 minutes south of me. So we went to Moe's which was awesome as always. Except they changed their kid's menu which I was not too excited about. But whatever. I still enjoyed it!
After we ate we went to the mall. I wanted the Spider-Man shirt but they didn't have my size which was tragic. I got a new TMNT shirt though. It's super cute! I also got a new game for my DS. It's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I haven't tried to play it yet. It is a used game so it didn't come with instructions or anything so I have to figure it out by myself. But if I don't like it I have 7 days to return it! Which is nice. I also got this cute black backpack with silver stars on it. I am very excited about this because there was this girl at school who had one and I was always very jealous of her. It was on sale for $10 too!!
Then we went to Arby's to get fair tickets. The lady inside was very interested in talking to us. It was a bit annoying. We ended up getting just admission passes. We then went back to her house and painted frames! There is this super cute picture of us from my birthday that we printed out and are putting in frames. Since we are both going abroad this semester. Anyways, that was fun and I guess my frame is cute. Sarah's is pretty cheesy but that is what she was going for.
When we finished that, we watched Burn After Reading. I thought it was going to be really funny but I didn't like it too much. Brad Pitt was definitely the most enjoyable part of the movie. I felt like a lot of the characters were pointless. And some scenes seemed pointless too. Sarah said she didn't like it so much the first time she saw it so maybe if I see it again it will be more enjoyable.
Then this morning we woke up and played Guitar Hero. It was my first time ever! I totally sucked at first but then I got better. But I played on Easy the whole time. I got 4 high scores! Which made me feel good. Then Sarah comes and puts it on Hard does all this crazy stuff and I was like WOW. So then we watched High School Musical. Which was awesome. duh. Zac is seriously so cute in that movie. Foreals.
Ok. So about my hair. Which I know is weird but, yea. This is how I feel about my hair. I always do this to myself. I get it cut shorter then I like then I hate it. Ok, I don't really hate my hair now but I think it looks better longer. Because I have a ton of hair. And when I say a ton, I mean a ton. So when my hair is long, it kind of weighs itself down so it not so poofy. When it is shorter, it obviously doesn't have enough weight to make it straighter and not so poofy. That is my rant. And I hate blow drying my hair every day but I haven't seen what my bangs look like when I don't so I am scared!
And tomorrow I am on my way to Gainesville to watch the big game. Don't forget to cheer for the Gators. Duh. And I can't decide what I want to wear. Sounds dumb but I can't!
Posted by Elisa at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: guitar hero, hair, hot topic, mall, tmnt
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So. Yesterday was Saturday. haha. And I spent the night with Katie again. That is two Saturday's in a row that we hung out. Last week, I went to her house and played Mario Kart on her Wii. Which was so hard. But fun. I got 5th place almost everytime. But eh, it was fun!
Last night we went to see Bedtime Stories. I thought it was really cute! The beginning was a little stale but it got better. The little kids were so adorable! I wanted to adopt them. Keri Russell is so pretty. I am jealous. lol. Except Russell Brand was in the movie. I am not a big fan but his parts were actually pretty funny.
After the movie, Shannon saw me and hits me. Which was nice. Kidding. But she was wearing the shirt I gave her for Christmas! It looked cute so I am glad. She saw Twilight with her friend, Katy. I asked Shannon if she saw my husband. She laughed at me. But she knows he is hot. And I was sad that she didn't notice Emmett waving the knife. But to be honest, I didn't notice the first time I saw the movie either. But the second time I did and laughed.
Also, I got this new game for my DS, called Petz Monkey. So today I finally take it out to play and the one mokey I adopted was golden and really cute. I thought it was a boy so I named him Emmett, but he is actually a girl. So now I have this gilr monkey named Emmett. But it's whatever, right? The second monkey I got was big and brown and I named him Turk. This time I got the gender right!!
So, BCS championship game in FOUR DAYS! Don't forget to root for the Gators, ok? : )
I know this picture is kind of old, but I laughed at Tim Tebow. When we played FSU, it was raining. And garnet is one of FSU's colors, so obviously that color paint is on the field. Since it was raining it got all over our players, making them look like murders. I tried to find a picture of Tim without his helmet on because he had the red paint all over his face, but I couldn't. I love Tim Tebow too much.
Posted by Elisa at 12:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: bcs championship, bedtime stories, tim tebow
Friday, January 2, 2009
SEC football
Ok. So, basically SEC football has been amazing. Today, three SEC teams played...Alabama, Kentucky, and Mississippi. The Kentucky/East Carolina game was not that interesting until the end. Kentucky had either been trailing or tied with East Carolina the whole game. Then at about 3:44 in the 4th quarter, the Pirates fumble and Kent runs it in for a touchdown. However, the play is reviewed and they said that the runner was down so the Pirates get the ball back and Kent doesn't get the touchdown. Two plays later, they fumble AGAIN and Kent recovers and runs it back for a touchdown. So then they won. It was awesome. I was very excited. This is Kentucky's third consecutive Bowl Game win in school history. Go Wildcats!
The Mississippi game was pretty good. Again, I was obviously glad they won, even though they beat the Gators. But honestly, we played like crap that day. We deserved to lose. But hey, we didn't lose a game after that so I think losing was the best thing for us.
I can't even explain how upset I am that Bama lost. I am very, very upset. What happened to them? I think it was the Gators. And I'm not just saying that. LSU went from being undefeated until we played them - and won. They ended the season not even ranked! Alabama was undefeated until we beat them. I feel so sad.
I also want to give some props to other SEC teams who have won. Georgia beat Michigan State, LSU beat Georgia Tech and Vanderbilt beat BC. The only SEC teams to lose so far has been South Carolina (they are a bunch of Cocks anyways) and Alabama.I don't know how many people know this, but the quarterback for Bama is so attractive. His name is John Parker Wilson and the first time I saw him I fell in love. He has gorgeous eyes. Here are some ok pictures of him to enjoy. It was hard to find ones without his helmet on.
Posted by Elisa at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: john parker wilson, sec football
taylor lautner
So. Today I FINALLY watched The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Let me tell you how adorable Taylor is. SO ADORABLE! All his expressions and the way he talked just made me laugh! He is such a cutie! The movie was pretty cute too. If you haven' seen it, you should because Taylor is so worth it.
Ok. When this commercial shows the boys, starting with Nick, when his name comes on screen, I almost died. WTF? Why is this kid 16? It is not fair. It's at :27.
Posted by Elisa at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Labels: jonas brothers, taylor lautner
Thursday, January 1, 2009
happy new year.
So. Yesterday I hung out with Amanda. Since I won't see her until next Christmas. : ( We went to a used book store and I got four books! I got The Ruins by Scott Smith, True Believer and At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks, and a new Dean Koontz book that I can't remember the name right now. (PS - Sam, I am adding The Ruins to your book list!) We also went to Target and I got two games for my DS and Amanda got a game for her Wii. I got Rock Star, which is kind of like Rock Band for a DS. I also got Petz Monkey. haha. They were on sale so I was like whatever. So, apparently Amanda likes the Jonas Brothers, which I did not know. She also told me that she planned her day around Camp Rock when it came out. I laughed at her.
After Amanda and I hung out, I went to Kathleen's and finally gave her and Shannon their Christmas gifts. I made my life changing, delicious, amazingly awesome cookies for Kathleen and I made her a shirt that says "Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?" with Rupert's face on the back. I gave Shannon a cute blue stripped shirt and High School Musical 2. Oh, I also got her a pad of paper with Zac Efron's face on it because it was a dollar.
We had a fire and made s'mores! They were delicious. Around 11:30 we went inside and watched Miley on MTV. We saw her sing "See You Again" and then they showed her sing "7 Things" from earlier in the night. I started singing but Kathleen yelled at me. : ( It's ok though. I thought Miley did a great job. I found out that Kathleen would go to a Miley concert with me which made me really happy. Then we watched some House and went to sleep. But Kathleen read me two tales from that Beedle and the Bard book by JK Rowling.
Today I came home and made mashed potatoes. Because we were having a Thanksgiving dinner with some family friends. The potatoes were delicious by the way. I make awesome potatoes. After we ate I saw the last of the Georgia - Michigan State game. Go Dwags!! The SEC wins one! I was pretty stoked.
So, my friends are all going back to school soon. Which is sad. But I am taking a road trip to see them before I leave which will be fun. Tomorrow all I want to do is watch football. Hopefully the SEC dominates. Go Ole Miss and Bama!!
Posted by Elisa at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: miley cyrus, new years, target