Right now I am listening to "Please Be Mine" by the Jonas Brothers. And it's so cute. Anyways, yesterday I had two classes, Australian Studies and Creative Writing. I didn't even want to go to Creative Writing because I wanted to drop it but Staci convinced me to go and I loved it so much! Australian Studies is really awesome too. It seems to be a pretty simple class. We have to write three papers and we get to go visit places, which is awesome. But it's a 3 hour class, which is why it's only one day a week. So is the Creative Writing class. It's from 5-8 but it wasn't even dark when I walked home yesterday. The sun sets so late here! It's weird. But ANYWAYS! I met another girl in the Australian Studies class that was JUST as mad as me about the whole grape jelly thing. haha. It was funny.
I also got two notebooks. Which is good. And a planner. Which I needed. And I got my tutorial book for my history class. But I still need to drop a class, but I won't til after Monday when I have been to all my classes. So I am not going to do the questions for history yet in case I want to drop it and return the book. They aren't due until Friday so I have time anyways.
And today I got some exciting stuff in the mail. I got my invitation for the Twilight stuff in Melbourne. woot. I am so excited! And since we don't have class that Monday (ANZAC Day) and I don't have class on Tuesday or Wednesday, I am going to stay in Melbourne til Tuesday. Just so if I have homework I can finish it before Thursday. So that is awesome. And I got a card from our family friends and they got me a $50 gift card which is great because I still have no money. So, I want to say thank you to them because it was really nice. And I got stoked that I had two pieces of mail. I felt so popular. haha.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Posted by Elisa at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So. Today it was raining. A lot. And I didn't have an umbrella. So I woke up and showered and blow dryed my hair and everything because I was going to go to Mass. So I was talking to my parents and telling them how it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella. So then I knocked on Hali's door and borrowed hers. Which was so nice of her! (I guess, haha). So then I went to Mass and when I got there I was all gross from the wet dirt and grass. But then I made a new friend. woot. So that was cool.
And then I basically did nothing else today. I read some more Twilight, which was cool. Reading it again helps me to pick up on stuff that I missed the first time around. I am currently on the baseball scene. I wish that Emmett had a bigger part in all the books. Sigh.
I think that is all I have to say. Tomorrow I have two classes. But I will most likely drop one soon so then I will have only one class. But I have four on Monday. And two Friday. And then nothing on Tuesday and Wednesday. woot.
Posted by Elisa at 6:16 AM 5 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
still sick.
So I am still sick which sucks. A lot. But I am getting better and hopefully by Wednesday I will be good. I finally went shopping today and got some meat and apples and stuff. And apparently Aussie's don't drink grape juice. I just do not understand this place. At all.
I had my first class today. Woot. It was my India history class. I am actually supposed to have like 4 classes on Monday but one I just registered for today but there is something wrong with the system so I can't actually register for the class. I am not worried though. It should be fixed soon. And then my other class was cancelled. Which was nice BUT I walked all the there in the dying heat and then I had to walk all the way back. Ugh. So the history class seems pretty cool, I guess. The professor is Irish which is way awesome.
I have no classes Tuesday or Wednesday which is cool, I guess. I have never had a day with no classes before so it will be weird. I guess it gives me lots of time to do school work and stuff. And I think I have two classes Thursday and Friday. But I am not sure. Right now I am registered for 5 classes but I am not allowed to take that many so eventually I will drop one.
Yesterday Paola, Jun, Hali, and I went into the city. It was really pretty. And clean. It reminded me of NY. But cleaner, haha. There were a lot of cute shops and stuff. I didn't buy anything though because I am trying to save my money because I haven't gotten my ATM card from the bank. So all I have is the money I came with!
So tomorrow I will have to buy some notebooks or something since I have no paper. Or pencils. Which could be a problem in the future.
Posted by Elisa at 6:44 AM 7 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
cute boy!
So now it is time for my story from yesterday, since I did nothing exciting today.
Yesterday Paola, Staci, Hali, and I ordered pizza from Domino's. But we actually ordered it from the wrong one. oops. So that was fun. So Hali and I go over to the Domino's and we had to re-order the food, and the guy working there was really cute! So cute. But he thought I was really dumb! Which isn't cool at all. We started talking and he asked me where I am from so I said the United States and he told me that was OBVIOUS. Ok, fine jerkface! So then I point to Hali and tell him that she is from Singapore and he tells me THAT'S obvious too. I was like fine! Make me look stupid. So then we wait outside for the pizza to cook and when we went back in I was talking to Hali about Australian money - how it is so colorful and not uniform. So then he asks me if I was having trouble with the money and I told him no. Why the heck would I? $5 means $5 no matter where I am. Whatever. So then we were talking more about money and then he started talking about how he just came back from Melbourne and stuff. We had a conversation about flights and money and stuff. haha. It was nice. But then we left. Which was sad. Because he is cute! I told Hali that we should stop in sometime to say hey. haha. Oh, but I couldn't see his name tag because his stupid apron was covering it. Sad.
Posted by Elisa at 8:50 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yesterday four of my flatmates and I went to eat at a Japanese place. It was basically like Bento so I was happy. The are all pretty loud, haha. Two are from Malaysia and one is from Singapore. The other one who didn't come with us is from Wales but she has lived in Australia for four years with her family. She is the girl that I share a bathroom with. So, Asian people do use spoons when eating rice. I did not know that. And they did not know what a napkin was. I thought that was really funny. Oh, and the girl from Singapore loves Johnny Depp so we talk about that a lot!
Today I got some more stuff done and finally registered for classes. It was kind of confusing. A time table is a schedule - something I found out. They don't even use the word schedule. But I am thinking of changing two of the classes. So hopefully tomorrow I will have my final time table.
And on campus they had a ton of booths and stuff about activities and clubs on campus, which was cool. Except that there were a million people there and it was ridiculously hot. And I found out that there is a church on campus pretty close to my flat which is awesome. I got pretty excited. Then later I went to the store again to get more food. I am hopefully going to get my bank account tomorrow so I can stop using cash all the time!
Then tonight I went to a barbeque with three of my flatmates and Staci. It was pretty cool. There were a ton of Asians there. I have noticed that there are a ton of Asians at school, too. Then there two guys were watching House so we went in to watch it. And we wanted to play air hockey but it was broken. Which was sad. So then we went back to our village to our common room and played Clue. But it is actually called "Cluedo" and I laughed and took pictures. But I have not put them on my computer yet because I am being lazy and I am tired. So we wanted to play air hockey in our common room but it was broken too which was really sad!
Posted by Elisa at 9:19 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It is so hot here. Oh man. It feels like summer time in Gainesville. Gross. So today I went to get my classes approved and stuff which is great. And I got a studnet ID. Which I will keep FOREVER. haha. The picture is really low quality though. I think it's funny. The campus is really pretty. There are trees everywhere and they smell good. Seriously. The birds are HUGE and make weird noises. They sound like dying sheep.
So basically every person in Australia is gorgeous. I don't kid. It makes me jealous. So jealous. And I really wish I could talk like them. And the girls here wear the shortest dresses ever. Seriously. I don' know how they sit down. And a lot of girls wear like high waisted shorts with the shirt tucked in. I feel so out of place in my converse, haha.
And I guess that is all for now. Oh - parents. I forgot to do that form for my taxes. So someone should do it for me. Thanks. haha.
Posted by Elisa at 1:43 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
oh. my. gosh.
I feel like I have so much to say that I don't even know where to start. I guess the beginning is always good, right?
So Thursday night I slept for maybe an hour because I wanted to sleep on the plane. That didn't really work out well but in the end it doesn't even matter. Because now it's almost 4 in the afternoon here and I tired. Anyways, the flight to JFK was ok. The seats were small on not very comfortable. The ride isn't that long so it was bearable. Oh - I also want to point out that I did very well with packing. : ). The maximum weight is 50 pounds and my big suitcase was 40 and the smaller one was 36. Oh yea. Go me. When we (I was with a friend, Paola) got to JFK we took a little train ride to the next terminal for our flight to Hong Kong. My brother came to see me and he gave me my iPod cord (yay!) and AUD$120 which I thought was very nice of him. He bought me Starbucks and a muffin. And I was happy. But not excited for the 16 hour flight.
So we get on the plane. It is amazing. It is huge! All the flight attendants were so pretty and I was jealous. We sat in the emergency seats which was really nice because I got up a lot to walk around. Many times I just stood up and leaned against the wall because I was tired of sitting. But what was really cool was that the headrests could be adjusted to like hold your head in place while you slept which was amazing. The food was ok, haha. I am such a picky eater but I did eat some of it. We got two meals. And I watched High School Musical 3: Senior Year and Eagle Eye. Obviously HSM was so great and Eagle Eye wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Shia is really cute, haha, but it kind of reminded me of i,Robot (which Shia was also in). The only time I was shocked or had any kind of reaction was at the end. Because I was like "WHAT??" haha. Yea. I don't want to give anything away. I also slept a lot. Which helped the time pass. And I played my DS. And listen to David Archuleta.
We also decided that we didn't want to stay in a hostel because it was 30 minutes away and we had all our luggage with us. So we stayed at a Marriott near the airport. It wasn't that expensive so it was good. But the Hong Kong dollar is worth less then the US dollar, so the hotel in HKD was about 1000 which seems expensive but it's not in American money. So then the next day we get on the plane to come to Perth. Finally.
This ride was about 7 hours. Which wasn't so bad but we didn't have emergency aisle seats this time and I had to keep climbing over Paola to get up. And the seats were smaller and the girl in front of me basically had her seat back all the way which was just awesome because I am tall. We has two meals again and I ate some of it. I watched some TV and played my DS for some time too. I slept for a good two hours, I think, so that was good. Oh - and Australia is so super-strict about bringing stuff into the country that in Hong Kong we went through the regular airport security then our bags had to be checked AGAIN before we got on the plane.
So when we land in Perth around 11:45 PM and we wait for everyone to get off the plane because we have no where important to go. So then we wait for our luggage (which all came!) and then we waited some more because the line for customs was really long and again we had no where to go. So the airport people were really nice and I love their accents. It took us no time at all to go through since we waited to long. The guy at the scanner thing was really nice and but all our bags through and said that "Here in Australia, we do everything for you!" when we tired to put our own bags on. And then he us to follow the TROLLEY which I smiled at, haha. And we got our passports stamped! Which is great.
So we had to wait til 8 AM to go to the school so I read a lot of Harry Potter and Paola played my DS forever. I slept for maybe an hour on the chairs. Around 6 we got some food. Because we were both really hungry. So then it was time to go. We got to the dorm and I just felt overwhelmed with everything. We couldn't go to our room because we had to wait 30 minutes for an orientation. Awesome. I was gross, I had just slept in an airport, and I wanted to shower. So we stay for orientation which was boring but listening to Aussie accents is always cool. It winds up that Paola and I are in the same flat. However - it is really hot outside and there is no air conditioning in the dorm. At all. I expected this but I had wised it wasn't true. I finally figured out how to open my window with help from one of my flatmates. I felt really dumb. And I killed a spider. Yea. I have a few spiderwebs in the dorm. Just great. Oh, and my flatmate is from Singapore and she seems really nice. I haven't met the other ones yet. Anyways, there is a fan in my room that is on now. And will probably always be on when I am in the room. I hate being hot.
The room and flat is really big. After I unpack I will take a video of it. I don't think pictures will do it justice because it looked way smaller in the pictures on the website. I also have pictures of Hong Kong money but my camera cord is somewhere in my bags which I have not unpacked yet.
So after our orientation thing I saw Staci (another girl from Florida who is here) and we decided to meet up later to go shopping for some food. There are shops right across the street which is really nice. So I got some bread and a cup and a plate and stuff. But, Australia is an epic fail. I wanted peanut butter and jelly (or jam, I should say) and get this - NO GRAPE JELLY. WHAT? Why? Not happy. So then I was like, ok, I will get some turkey. NO TURKEY. Fail Australia, fail. I hate you. Ok, not really but - really? No grape jelly? Jeez. So I got some apples and bananas too.
Now I just want to unpack and decorate my room. : )
Oh and - now that I know my room and flat number - this address puts mail directly in my mailbox
Flat 28 Room 1
George James House
Kyle Avenue
Bentley 6102
Western Australia
If anyone wants to use this one instead.
Posted by Elisa at 1:52 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
So tomorrow is the big day. I am excited, nervous, and scared at the same time. I am basically done packing, I just have a bit more to do - like pack my computer. I don't even know what to think right now, everything just seems so crazy! It still seems weird to me that I am actually leaving. I hope everything goes smoothly in Hong Kong and my luggage does not get lost!
Posted by Elisa at 12:23 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
harry potter.
Posted by Elisa at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: david archuleta, harry potter
Friday, February 6, 2009
movies. movies. movies.
So. I have seen a lot of movies lately. Ha. Because of my lack of stuff to do. Anyways I want to share my thoughts on them!!
-Megan Fox is hot. And I say this in the most non-lesbian way. Promise.
-Shia LaBeouf is hot. Really hot.
-Josh Duhamel is so sexy. Foreals. Why is he with Fergie? She is gross.
-The score is AMAZING. I can't believe I didn't notice before. It's awesome.
-Optimus Prime is so awesome. He is blue and red. Awesome.
-Megatron is so evil but wonderful. I wonder what the second movie will be about since he is dead. Unless he really isn't dead.
-His car = so funny.

-Miley's character was sweet. (As in "awww," not awesome).
-I didn't really like Miley & John Travolta's duet.
-Overall, it was way better then I expected. I really liked it.
-Ginnifer Goodwin's character was pretty relatable.
-Drew Barrymore's character wasn't in the movie that much but she was good.
-It was pretty long.
-But it was very cute. Way cuter then I thought.
-I think everyone should this movie.
Posted by Elisa at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: bolt, he's just not that into you, nick and norah, transformers
Thursday, February 5, 2009
yay for me.
So. Yesterday I went to the outlet mall with my mommy, nonna, & nonno. I got some new bras. They are super cute. One is blue plaid and the other is black with stars on it. They are awesome. I know that everyone really wanted to know that.
And today my rain boots and flats came in! I ordered them from Target and now they are here. I even wore my flats today. The boots are black with white stars on them and the flats are silver. So I was pretty excited about that.
Today I also went to Old Navy and got two pairs of jeans! I am pretty excited. I hardly ever wear jeans but I figured it was time to have some in case I ever get cold. lol. Because it starts to get cold in June in Australia so I need to be warm. And I got chips from Target which is awesome and I got new lip gloss. Whooo. Love lip gloss.
Also - I downloaded David Archuleta's cd today. I think I love him. And he's going to be on iCarly Friday which I am super excited about. I am going to watch it when I babysit!
So - 8 more days.
Posted by Elisa at 5:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: david archuleta, old navy, target
Sunday, February 1, 2009
So. Today was the Superbowl. Epic disappointment. I was rooting for Arizona. I think Kurt Warner is amazing and I feel sad. I expected the Steelers to win, but I still hoped they wouldn't. I thought the game was kind of boring, except a few plays. And the fourth quarter wasn't bad. But overall, I wasn't impressed. Haha.
Also, today we had a lunch thing for a friend who is moving to Destin for work. But we didn't have any food I liked so I ate chips and a croissant. It was lovely. Ha. But then I had wings for dinner so it was all good.
Saturday I babysat again. This time we played a new game, Taboo. It wasn't really that much fun with just two of us playing, but whatever. But, Samantha and I videoed ourselves lip syncing to "It's Not Over" by Daughtry. It was hilarious. Then we listened to Jonas and did awesome hand motions. It was amazing.
After I babysat I hung out with Kathleen. We went to the movies and saw Mall Cop. It was pretty good. Definitely better then I thought. I laughed a lot. But I laugh at a lot of stuff soo. Yea. After it was FREEZING out so we went in Kathleen's car and sang along to "Rock Star" and "Bet On It." Oh, we videoed ourselves. It's on Facebook. Go look. Because we are awesome. But then we had to say goodbye and it was sad. But I will be back. Maybe. Hehe.
On Friday I didn't really do anything until Kathleen and I hung out. We went to Chili's and had dessert. They have this delicious molten cake. Oh. My. Gosh. It is so good. But then you feel sick after because you eat too much of it. Ha. But it's too good to stop! Then we walked around the plaza thing. And it was cold.
KATHLEEN! I want it DONE before I leave, OK? DOOOOO IT!
Posted by Elisa at 11:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: babysitting, chilis, facebook, football, mall cop